#2 Powers of persuasion? China's struggle for human rights discourse power at the UN
#3 A Practical Proposal to end Corporate Tax Abuse: METR, a Minimum Effective Tax Rate for Multinationals
#3 The Hollowing and Backsliding of Democracy in East Central Europe
Edited by Renad Mansour and produced in collaboration with Chatham House, this e-book focuses on transnational conflict in the Middle East and Africa, where the geographical borders between nation-states are porous and the institutional borders between state and non-state are blurred.
This Special Issue focuses on sustainability from different approaches. The contributing article range from insurance to zombie companies, climate change regulation, temporary trade measures, financial reporting transparency standards, earnings management, and social enterprises, among others
I and many other observers see the world changing dramatically around us - from technology, from geopolitics, from economic and financial turbulence, from the rise of the rest. We figure the best global thinking needs to be joined up across fields. Yet others might still disagree on both hypotheses. Regardless, Global Policy is the right journal for our times, and what will emerge from its pages will inform debate of global significance.
Bill Emmott is one of the world’s most informed and articulate voices on business, globalization and political economy. This well-respected journalist and writer spent 26…
Robert Falkner is a Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). His research interests are in international…